Recycle Your Carbon Fiber Materials

Recycle Your Carbon Fiber Materials

Industries with large carbon fiber material streams now have an economically viable alternative to landfill

Carbon Fiber Recycling processes three categories of carbon fiber: dry fiber, prepreg and composites.

Our facility in Tazewell, TN has powerful shredders and grinders to precision chop the toughest prepreg and composite materials.

Then our reactor liberates carbon fiber from composites and turns all epoxies and glues into usable fuel. 

We recycle 100 percent of your carbon fiber materials with no processing fees, and deliver reusable fiber to secondary markets.

CFR’s patented, near-zero-emissions technology recovers clean reusable fiber

CFR’s state-of-the-art processing facility produces 6mm random chopped fiber (with a 2 to 2.5mm standard deviation) which can be used in a variety of manufacturing processes such as pellet production, concrete products, and fortifying composites. 

Our continuous flow process operates 24/7, allowing us to recycle large quantities and return high-quality reusable fiber to the market at a much lower price point than virgin fiber.


Companies with, or located near large carbon fiber material streams may want to build their own recycling facilities.

Carbon Fiber Recycling can offer license agreements to verified partners.

Apply our groundbreaking technology and high volume recycling process to improve sustainability targets or generate a high margin income stream.

Contact us to get the conversation started.

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